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What marker? Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2015, 13:49 by Torrant

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Nemesis Post Whore

What marker? Empty
PostSubject: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 16:52

As you all know I've had nothing but problems with electros in the past but times have changed. I want to play up front like the good old days. So what do I get?
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Nemesis Post Whore

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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 17:25

I've had nothing but good play with my E Tec.
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Nemesis Post Whore

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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 17:29

Blah. I think I'm going to just play with pistols. Now which pistol do I buy?
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Nemesis Post Whore

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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 17:30

Whats the difference between the T8 and the T8.1
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Nemesis Post Whore

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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 23rd 2014, 17:36

Not sure, I have the TPX that I would even sell ya if you wanted it.
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Nemesis Post Whore

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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitimeJanuary 28th 2014, 09:23

Thinking about running with 2 pistols now. More is always better, right?
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PostSubject: Re: What marker?   What marker? Icon_minitime

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