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    Nemesis Post Whore

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    PostSubject: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 00:09

    I'll start it off here, we just picked up a new cookbook from Betty Crocker called the 300 calorie cookbook, it has some great recipes in it. we (as in Christina and I) are going to tailor our meals out of it to try and stay under 2000 a day.
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    Nemesis Post Whore

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    PostSubject: Re: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 07:57

    I've lost 18 lbs in 3.5 weeks by cutting down on my food intake.

    Been counting calories and eating more small meals all day. Then at dinner time I eat a normal dinner, just smaller amounts. Also, substituted water for all of my drinks. One soda a day is all I do.

    I'm a very active fat guy so I don't need to do too much exercise yet. But when I hit 200 lbs I'm going to have to step it up for sure.
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    PostSubject: Re: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 09:36

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    Lord Cuppy TuTu
    Lord Cuppy TuTu

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    PostSubject: Re: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 11:17

    A good diet is a start but we also need to mix in some activities. I have started a new work out plan for myself and anyone can do it. It is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) not only will this shed the pounds off it will also help your paintball skills. Just google HIIT and you will se what i am talking about. I do this every two days, i also work out twice every day, a nice cardio and light weight training in the morning before work and then either heavy cardio and strength training or HIIT in the evening after work.

    But there is also more to a nice health diet then just cutting back on calories. I turned to another web site to help me watch what i am eating and to help plan my day's out a little better. has helped me to change up my daily eating routine to better match my workouts and my schedule.
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    Nemesis Post Whore

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    PostSubject: Re: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2010, 23:28

    I prefer activities for my exercise, I do competitive volleyball twice a week, I am looking at doing more, just need to find the right activity to try out.
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    PostSubject: Re: Weight loss ideas for us fat asses   Weight loss ideas for us fat asses Icon_minitime

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