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PostSubject: APE OLED boards   APE OLED boards Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2012, 07:22

I have a Dangerous Power G4, 2010 PMR and a 2011 Reflex which conveniently APE makes boards for amongst other guns. I wish they made a board for the Drone DX!!! I was content to use the stock boards since OLED boards tend to be expensive, but then I met chuckasaurus on pbnation who is sponsored by APE. He sells any of their OLED boards with grips for $80. Since the price was now under the $100 mark I considered it a possibility. I had already seen an APE OLED board and knew they were pretty nice. I bought a UL board from him. The UL board will fit any Dye or Proto gun that has the UL frame. It took a few minutes to pull the stock board from my Reflex and a few more to put in the APE board. Once the board was in I turned on the gun and the APE logo came up and a second later it was ready to fire with all default settings. The first thing I did was set the board to the factory settings which was really easy since you don't have to count blinking lights or remember what anything is since it's right there on the screen. I was experimenting on a warm day and had my dwell set to 8 and was getting consistent results. The next day it was in the 40's and when the gun cooled down in the middle of a fire fight the bolt was sticking and my velocities were getting really bad. It took me less than 5 seconds to go into set up, set the dwell to 15 (stock) and then I was back in the game. I am a tweaker by nature and I am always messing with my triggers to get them perfect with no extra travel and consistent pulls. That also means that the trigger may be very close to the pull point so that recoil can cause trigger bounce. APE has a nice trigger debounce feature that is absolutely rock solid. I'm not the guy who fakes his trigger pulls. I want every trigger pull to count as 1 ball. I don't ramp and I don't use debounce to make me faster. There is a feature in the board that I have used extensively called Trigger Trainer Mode. You go into setup and then TTM and you can practice walking the trigger. The display gives you a bar graph to show you how fast you are going and also displays your peak and average speed. I have increased my trigger walking speed using the TTM mode by 5-7bps. The really cool thing is you don't need anything but the gun to practice trigger walking. I watch TV and rip 200 plus pulls at a time or 15 or 20 and check my speed as I am practicing. My left hand used to top out at 6-7bps and now it's faster than my right hand which is my dominant hand.

Conclusion: APE OLEDs have the best display of all the after market boards, the most features and the easiest configuration. There are so many options crammed into the board that some you will have never heard of, but can be very useful. I have since bought one for my G4 and PMR and they all work exactly the same. That is to say VERY well and easy to set up. For $80 you can't beat it.
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