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» Its been quiet.... to quiet...
Blitz Paintball Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2015, 13:49 by Torrant

» Battle of Endor-September 6-7 Lets Get This Started!!!!
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» I'm back, greg.
Blitz Paintball Icon_minitimeJuly 14th 2014, 14:36 by Saw

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» Nemesis T-shirts
Blitz Paintball Icon_minitimeFebruary 28th 2014, 11:44 by Little Trooper

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PostSubject: Blitz Paintball   Blitz Paintball Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2012, 22:32

For anyone who doesn't know, Blitz has moved to a new location. It is just one exit further South. Get off of i-25 at the county rd 8/Summit Blvd exit. Head East until you cross York St. It is just a little further until you will see the new Blitz on the right. There's new fields, new games, better parking, etc. Come check it out. I'm there on most Sundays.
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PostSubject: Re: Blitz Paintball   Blitz Paintball Icon_minitimeNovember 26th 2012, 08:37

Thanks for the update and directions.
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